Wow How Could I Forget?
This weekend is my oldest grandson's graduation party. Yea I know how could a young lady like me have a grandson age 19??? Well that is a story for another time but nevertheless I do.
We have been in Florida for 9 months and then since arriving back in PA we had the fun of unloading my father's house of its treasures. Yes, I have had a few minutes to bead true. How could I forget that I was planning on making bracelets for my daughter-in-law, Wendy and my two granddaughters, Hannah and Madison?
Fortunately I remembered on Wednesday evening and not this morning.

Quickly I started by picking out the colors I wanted to use. Since they were all to be in Russian Spiral, I needed an 11/0 size bead and a 15/0 size bead of colors that would look well together. The colors in the photo do not do the bracelets credit. IMO. The one that appears blue is really lavender. It has light purple 11 beads in a matt finish and lavender/pink/blue translucent rainbow 15 beads. The pink one is with clear pink centered 11's and AB clear 15's. However the 4 # fireline that I used to make the bracelets showed throw the AB clears and made them appear silver and it is such an attractive look. Pink and silver. Now there is a new lesson. As much as I always tried not to have the thread show, in this instance it enhanced the whole bracelet. The white and brown is really pearl size 11's and cranberry translucents in 15. I love the bracelet but I did not have a toggle in gold and so I put a gold screw closure and it is not real easy to put on. Good thing there are alot of people in their family.
I did not like the clasp on the one for Wendy and so I tore it apart and put a different clasp on and added a where did that idea come from??
The peyote freeform is still forming! I worked two days on a bridge that went too far. It got too wide and too domineering and looked like another bracelet was growing like a tumor on the original one. Do you get the idea I hated what was happening? You are right. It took me a long time to tear it out and make a gentle bridge with a neat lava bead within. I am feeling much better. I am about to get back to work on it. It has been resting a couple of days after the ugly bridge fiasco as I finished my gifts.

Got to run and make coffee. I really need it today. All day. My brother and I started a new challenge...30 pounds and keep it off. There is big money involved and that is my best motivator!
This weekend is my oldest grandson's graduation party. Yea I know how could a young lady like me have a grandson age 19??? Well that is a story for another time but nevertheless I do.
We have been in Florida for 9 months and then since arriving back in PA we had the fun of unloading my father's house of its treasures. Yes, I have had a few minutes to bead true. How could I forget that I was planning on making bracelets for my daughter-in-law, Wendy and my two granddaughters, Hannah and Madison?
Fortunately I remembered on Wednesday evening and not this morning.
Quickly I started by picking out the colors I wanted to use. Since they were all to be in Russian Spiral, I needed an 11/0 size bead and a 15/0 size bead of colors that would look well together. The colors in the photo do not do the bracelets credit. IMO. The one that appears blue is really lavender. It has light purple 11 beads in a matt finish and lavender/pink/blue translucent rainbow 15 beads. The pink one is with clear pink centered 11's and AB clear 15's. However the 4 # fireline that I used to make the bracelets showed throw the AB clears and made them appear silver and it is such an attractive look. Pink and silver. Now there is a new lesson. As much as I always tried not to have the thread show, in this instance it enhanced the whole bracelet. The white and brown is really pearl size 11's and cranberry translucents in 15. I love the bracelet but I did not have a toggle in gold and so I put a gold screw closure and it is not real easy to put on. Good thing there are alot of people in their family.
The peyote freeform is still forming! I worked two days on a bridge that went too far. It got too wide and too domineering and looked like another bracelet was growing like a tumor on the original one. Do you get the idea I hated what was happening? You are right. It took me a long time to tear it out and make a gentle bridge with a neat lava bead within. I am feeling much better. I am about to get back to work on it. It has been resting a couple of days after the ugly bridge fiasco as I finished my gifts.
Got to run and make coffee. I really need it today. All day. My brother and I started a new challenge...30 pounds and keep it off. There is big money involved and that is my best motivator!
Oh, yes, you do need a new camera....I guess if I keep saying it dad willlet you get it sooner, cause you are creating beautiful things and your camera is jealous and making them not look as nice as they should!
PS Can I get in on the lose 30 pounds???? And is this going to interfere with going out to lunch?
loving it!!!
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