You tell me! It is a reverse. What you say? Well the necklace and earrings are made with Cream 11's and Brown 15's. The bracelet is the opposite. It is Cream 15's and Brown 11's. Hey it will be far enough away it will not clash completely I would say. It may draw attention as our eyes do pick out things like this, right? So it may be dramatic instead of a clash.
I will finish it and if it is not what I want to wear with the necklace, I will give it to Jessica. She wears a lot of browns lately and will need it. I can make it to fit me snugly as she has much smaller wrists than I.
Tomorrow I am going to the Bead Show (yeah!) It is the place I took my first and only lesson. I have been a Beader for a year now. Thank you Candy for going to the Bead Show with me a year ago today. Since then my daughter Jessica, also my dearest friend, has made her first beaded bracelet. She is going to be great. No bead weaving for her however. One in the family is enough I guess. She is going tomorrow and we are going to love it. Also to add to the fun, my Sister In Law, Candy and her daughter Amy are going. Does it get any better than that???
Jessica's First!
May I gripe a little? Again! I am still waiting for the furniture company to get back to me but they guarantee that I will be happy when my cork board is fixed. I sure hope so, as I really like the furniture style and do want to add two more dining room chairs and maybe another bookcase and bedside table! They do not know that of course. If I do not get results with them, a friend in Indiana is right by my side to see that American Signature Furniture gives me the service I deserve. Thank you Carol for offering your help...will let you know if I need you to do some research for me.
The next picture is for you. The Hawk is a visitor to the pond behind my house. "My Lake". He stopped by two days ago to welcome me. He was a morning visitor. I think he is a young Red Shoulder. There are several hawks in the community. There was a Bald Eagle I saw one time, so he may have just been passing through. Love Raptors!
He was sitting about 15 feet from my dining room window. Carol and I both like Hawks. I bet she would love to watch the pond with me for a day. There was a Wood Stork there most of yesterday. Hope he has no baby to drop here. There was a Great Egret and a Snowy Egret that visited several times...hey maybe they were not the same ones. Who would know? There are several ducks that are here then gone, too. There is a Belted (?) Kingfisher that is neat to watch. He perches for a long time in a tree and then swoops done into the water.
The Wood Stork.
He is pretty flying, showing off his black wings. However, he has the ugliest of heads. It looks like a vultures. No feathers!
Off to start my day, tomorrow it will be almost 8:00 AM instead of 7!
Beads and Birds in the same post! Yippee!! First off, the set is gorgeous - I prefer jewelry not to be completely matching, just coordinating and this is a stunning set. Jessica's bracelet is great too-is she planning to make earrings to match?
thank you for sharing your feathered visitors. Its such a treat to see what birds other people get in their yards.
First, thank you for a pic of your Hawk. I get such a thrill to see one. My spirits soar all day!!
Jessica is jumping up and down, hoping you will not like the bracelet and necklace together, LOL, but I think they are a set.
Lucky lucky you. All good buddies at the bead show together! What else could you want, except for lottery winnings to spend there!!
Have a great day in great company.
PS: Thanks for the name of the furniture comany!
Oh my how fun!!!!
I have to say, they ABSOLUTELY CLASH and you should be embarrassed to wear them together. How dare you???????? I guess I will need to have it.
I can't wait for the bead show...woohoo.....
Someone else asked me if I was making earrings to I have to.....
Love your blog mom and I have to agree the lake is stunning!
PS: You made my day with your blog post and really lifted my spirits as I had a difficult evening...a ray of sunshine to a tumultuous couple hours! And always my best sounding board with sage advice...and not cause your older either...cause after all you are only 27.
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