Did I mention to avoid cheap beads? Oh yes, indeed! I started a project and realized that I was into a container of beads that I purchased on my initial bead buying adventure. Did I know anything? No? Do I still know anything? Well perhaps a few things.
Miyukis Delicas ToHos Czechs and Chinese Beads and probably many more I have yet to learn about. Do not use Chinese made beads if you can avoid them. Some areas you have slim
pickens, I know.
When it comes to seed beads there are so many in a container in a store you cannot visually see the uniformity or lack there of until you start to use them. Wow. Back to my project I started last night. A black and white African Helix bracelet for my
niece, Kelly. Good thing there are thousands of beads in the container as I have to pick each bead and the majority are a mess. They are so pretty, black and
shiney. Yes, they are Made in China beads. I am going to pick out the good ones and then throw the rest away when I finish this bracelet. Or maybe I will cut the inch off, discard the whole darn thing and go buy a
Miyuki black bead and start over.
The idea of starting a new bracelet makes me hesitate. Starting an African Helix is a little cumbersome. Trying to hold the starting ring of beads in place, thread the five beads on the F
ireline and then fishing the needle through between the correct beads and snugging it up seems to take 3 hands no matter how experienced you may be. Do not lose heart it you are just learning this pattern. It takes a little concentration to get started. The pattern though is simple and besides you only have to run the F
ireline through the beads once.
A note on
Fireline. I learned about it on a Yahoo Group called
Seedbeaders 101. It is not a real talkie type of Group but within the archives there is lots to learn.
Fireline is a fishing line and it comes in pound (lb.) of test strength. There is 40 lb. down to 4 lb. and probably many more. I bought 8 lb. as it was the lowest I could find at the local
WalMart. It has worked well even with 15/0 beads. However a pattern that would require many passes through the beads would not work with 8 lb. I am in search of 4 lb. and figure when I return to PA, where the fishermen are after tiny trout instead of FL big fish, I will find the lower pound

French Wire, Thread Heaven,
Fireline and Beewax
I started beading with
NYMO which comes in alphabetical sizes. "A" being the smallest and "D" much stronger, larger. There is probably larger than "D" but I have not seen it. It is a Nylon blend. It does best with a "Thread Heaven" Bees Wax thread protector/conditioner. The nylon is several strands and it will separate and catch on dry hands. The protector will help.
I did read somewhere not to use Thread Heaven if you use the Thread doubled instead of single in a project. I have not done anything on a doubled thread so what do I know.
Wow. I sure sound like a know it all when I reread this. I am a beginner!
Off to Bead!