Side View

Moved in at last. This may have been the longest move in history...well maybe not. It just seemed like a long time. We had such a busy January and February planned before we bought the house that it prevented us from moving in as soon as we would normally have done.
January found us entertaining Harv's brother and his wife as they Snow Birded south toward their final perch near Orlando. We had a great visit and enjoyed their company. It was a great way to update us on their family's activities.
Shortly after they left, I had to fly to Harrisburg where Kim and Betsy met me and I then used Kim's PT cruiser to drive to Reading, PA and a wonderful judging assignment for the Lenape Bulldog Club Speciality.
Home for a week and then it was off to Las Vegas for our winter trip. We had had a great winning trip this summer and hoped to do that again. However we had a great time, but lost our collective a_ _ gambling. Oh well it was fun and lots of great food. Harv got to watch his Steelers win a historical 6th Super Bowl. We were at the Hilton for a autograph signing of a football on Friday followed by the party to watch the game. A great time.
Home the sixth of Feb. to start the final stages of moving in. We finally completed the move on the 17th of February. A big thank you goes out to my Sister in Law and Brother and our Son in Law for all the help on the final move in day. It was two small U Hauls worth.
Now I can get things organized here and start beading. No more excuses right.
I do have a wonderful work area for me two hobbies...beading and computer. The "L" shaped desk has a hutch top on the long side that will hold the beads in the many drawers. There is a cork board that I can use to display my projects. I am loving the comfortable space as I write.
Promise to post an on topic blog shortly!
Hugs to all.